• Shared Learning Seminar
    Working in partnership to improve wellbeing

    In collaboration with the North Wales Public Service Lab (Wrexham University) and Future Generations Commissioner, we are holding an event on ‘Working in partnership to improve wellbeing’. This follows the successful C4C (Community for Community) event which was held by the North Wales Public Service Lab in May this year.

About this event

Public services in Wales are continuing to face significant changes and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The fact is we are all facing challenging times and no single organisation has the answers. However, working more collaboratively with other organisations, adapting different cultures and learning we can identify the means to utilise the resources we have in very different ways.

Wellbeing was identified as one of the collective challenges at the last C4C event in May. This event will bring together the North Wales Insight Partnership, the Public Service Boards and the C4C community to share wellbeing plans across the North Wales region, as well as sharing the innovative work being undertaken by a range of sectors around wellbeing in our communities. The event will provide opportunities to discuss how we can connect all of this work to deliver real change.

Where and when 

24 October 2023 

9.30 - 4.30

Venue Cymru, Llandudno

Contact the Good Practice Exchange Team

To register, please complete our online booking form. We provide a delegate privacy notice [opens in new window], telling you how we deal with your personal data as part of the registration process.

Joining instructions are circulated 1-2 weeks before the event. Please ensure you provide your email address when booking a place to ensure that we can send information to you.

For further information on the event, please email good.practice@audit.wales

Further information about this event will be added soon