We’re here to Assure, Explain and Inspire.
The Auditor General is the statutory external auditor of most of the Welsh public sector.
Our key strength is our wide range of skills and knowledge that has arisen from our position as the the statutory external auditor
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Governance and oversight at Audit Wales
Our accounts are audited by an independent firm appointed by the Welsh Parliament.
Our Executive Leadership Team is responsible for directing the organisation
The Auditor General is responsible for auditing most of the public money spent in Wales.
Audit Services has a reach of over 800 public bodies across Wales covering financial and performance audit
Our programme of shared learning events focusses on topics that are common across public services
Having a strategic, dynamic and high quality audit programme is a key focus of our strategy
The NFI matches data across organisations and systems to help public bodies identify fraud and overpayments.
We work with others from across the Welsh public sector and beyond
See our latest news, blogs, events and more
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View our videos on our YouTube channel
Our events bring together individuals from across the Welsh public sector
Access all the resources from our shared learning events
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Gary Emery
Gary has a long international career in the public sector. Starting in local government Gary undertook many roles with Devon County Council and Plymouth City Council including senior positions leading HR functions such as change management, policy development and industrial relations.
Gary moved from the HR profession to become an inspector with the newly formed Best Value Inspectorate assessing value for money from the delivery of local public services before joining the Audit Commission 2 years later. Gary spent 8 years with the Commission leading audit and inspection teams before being promoted to manage both financial and performance audit activity in the South West of England.
Gary then moved to New Zealand where he managed performance audit activity for the Office of the Auditor-General and during this time was seconded to Samoa to set up the performance audit function for the Pacific Island nation.
Gary next jumped across the Tasman Sea to the Australian island state of Tasmania where he again headed up their performance audit function before being promoted to the role of Deputy Auditor-General and has acted as Auditor-General for a period of time.
After 3 years living in Tasmania, it was time to move back to the UK for family reasons and Gary took up the role of Director for Performance Audit (Local Government) at Audit Wales in June 2022.
Gary was born blind and while he has acquired some limited sight his disability has shaped his passion for supporting fair, equitable and accessible public services for all. He is a keen historian and published author, has a large painted metal toy soldier collection and on his return to the UK has renewed his season ticket for his beloved Exeter City Football Club, and when time permits attends games with his father.