Publication Scheme

We have adopted the Model Publication Scheme prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. Find out more on the Information Commissioner Office’s website [Opens in new window]

The guide to the Model Publication Scheme commits us to making certain information routinely available to the public. It also gives details of where charges may apply for providing the information.

This page was last reviewed on 13 February 2023.

Requesting paper copies 

Paper copies of the information available on our website are available free of charge, provided the total copies don’t exceed 200 pages. Where paper copies exceed 200 pages for a single request or group of related requests, we may charge 5 pence per page, and postage in accordance with the Freedom of Information (FOI) charging regulations [Opens in new window]. We will advise you of any charges in advance of supplying the information.

Paper copies or information listed without a hyperlink can be requested via the following ways:


Telephone: 029 2032 0500 and ask for the Information Officer

Post: Information Officer
1 Capital Quarter
Tyndall Street
CF10 4BZ

We welcome telephone calls in Welsh and English. You can also write to us in either Welsh or English and we will respond in the language you have used. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to a delay. 

We will also make large print and audio tape copies of items available, on request, where practicable. 


Unless otherwise stated:  

  1. The Auditor General for Wales or the Wales Audit Office hold the copyright for information contained within the publication scheme. 

  2. All material available through our website may be downloaded, copied or reproduced free of charge in any format or medium without requiring specific permission. This is subject to the material being reproduced accurately and not being used in a derogatory manner or in a misleading context. Where the material is being published or issued to others, the sources and copyright status should be acknowledged.

From time to time the publications on our website may contain information which is subject to Crown copyright, such as; where we have reproduced information produced directly by a Crown body. Where this is the case, the publication will have included a copyright statement and users should observe this statement and act accordingly. 

The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office at The National Archives manages Crown copyright. For guidance notes on a range of copyright issues, visit the National Archives website [opens in new window]. 

The Auditor General and Wales Audit Office do not accept responsibility for material hosted on any external sites.   

If you are maintaining or developing a website, you do not have to ask permission to link directly to information hosted on our website. However, you mustn’t link to information in a way that falsely implies or misrepresents:

  • a relationship with our organisation

  • an endorsement by our organisation, or

  • our organisation’s content as being published by anyone other than us.

Guide to sections of the publication scheme 

Select your topic of interest from the list to jump to that section:

1. Who we are and what we do

2. What we spend and how we spend it

3. What our priorities are and how we are doing

4. How we make decisions

5. Policies and procedures

6. Lists and registers

7. The services we offer

1. Who we are and what we do

1.1 Roles and responsibilities

Details about the roles and responsibilities of the Auditor General and the Wales Audit Office can both be found within the ‘About us’ section.

Read about the role and responsibilities of the Board [PDF 89KB Opens in new window].

1.2 Organisational structure

See a copy of our organisational chart [opens in a new window].

1.3 Information relating to the legislation relevant to our functions

The legislative basis for the work of the Auditor General and the Wales Audit Office is summarised in our guide to Welsh public audit legislation [opens in new window].

The Auditor General has extensive statutory access rights to documentation and information relating to the bodies that he audits and inspects. Read our access rights guidance.

1.4 Organisations we work with

We also work in partnership with the Cabinet Office in undertaking the National Fraud Initiative

1.5 Senior staff and management board members

Biographical details for Auditor General, Executive Leadership Team, Directors and Board Members can be found in our ‘Who’s who’ section

1.6 Locations and contact details

Our office locations and main contact numbers are available within the contact us section.

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2. What we spend and how we spend it

2.1 Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

Annual reports and accounts, and budgets (estimates of income and expenditure) are available on our publications pages. We suggest choosing “Audit Wales” as Topic in the search form.

Subject to applicable exemptions, financial statements for projects which have their own budgets are available on request. 

2.2 Allowances and expenses

Download the latest version of our Travel and Subsistence Policy [PDF 217KB Opens in new window].

Details of the expenses of the Auditor General and senior management and Board Member expenses are published within our ‘Hospitality and expenses’ section.

Download the Travel and Subsistence Policy for our Board [PDF 78KB Opens in new window].

2.3 Pay and grading structures

Pay scales are available within the Working for us section

2.4 Procurement and tendering procedures

Access information about our current and previous tenders and contracts.

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3. What our priorities are and how we are doing

3.1 Strategic plan

Our Annual Plan outlines our core themes and business activities.

3.2 Annual business plan

See details in our Annual Plan.

For information on any other work, please contact:

3.3 Annual reports

Annual reports and accounts, and budgets (estimates of income and expenditure) are available on our publications pages. We suggest choosing “Audit Wales” as Topic in the search form.

3.4 Services standards

Our audits are undertaken in accordance with the Code of Audit Practice and therefore in accordance with International Standards on Auditing.

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4. How we make decisions

4.1 Major policy proposals and decisions

The Board’s terms of reference (procedural rules) [opens in new window] govern how it makes major decisions.

4.2 Public consultations

From time to time we may consult with interested parties on specific policies. Find out more in our consultations section.

4.3 Minutes of senior level meetings

Visit Board minutes for more information.

Subject to applicable exemptions, information about Board papers, Management Committee minutes and papers and board members’ meetings with ministers and external organisations are available on request.

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5. Policies and procedures

5.1 Policies and procedures for the conduct of our business and provision of services

The Auditor General’s Code of Audit Practice prescribes the way in which auditors and inspectors in Wales undertake their work.

We treat the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language, as required by our Welsh Language Standards.

The Auditor General is a ‘prescribed person’ under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. This means that people who raise concerns about workplace wrongdoing with the Auditor General may have some protection in employment law. See our whistleblowing guidance.

We have a Code of Practice [opens in new window] which governs the relationship between the Auditor General for Wales and the Wales Audit Office, who've also prepared schemes of delegation [opens in new window] covering their functions. The Terms of Reference for the Wales Audit Office Board [opens in new window] sets out the arrangements for conducting business.

The Code of Conduct for Board members [PDF 471KB opens in new window] sets standards for the conduct of Board members in carrying out the Board’s statutory and professional responsibilities.

Terms of reference set out the roles of the Wales Audit Office Audit and Risk Assurance Committee [opens in new window] and Remuneration and HR Committee [opens in new window].

5.2 Policies and procedures for the recruitment and employment of staff

Current vacancies or details of externally advertised vacancies including job descriptions and person specification are available within our Jobs section.

You can also download the current version of our Health and Safety Policy [opens in new window].

Our Employee Handbook contains guidance on terms and conditions of service and related policies and procedures.

For further information on the handbook please email

5.3 Customer service

For information on how to make a complaint about the Wales Audit Office, read our guidance on making a complaint

For complaints in respect of Freedom of Information, please read our information policy.  

If you have any queries or comments about our publication scheme please contact via:

Telephone: 029 2032 0500


Post: The Information Officer

Audit Wales
1 Capital Quarter
Tyndall Street
CF10 4BZ

5.4 Records management and personal data policies

Read our Records Management Policy [PDF 397KB opens in new window] to find out how we manage data and information.

Our Information Security Policy [PDF 103KB opens in new window] sets out the obligations of all employees in relation to the use of ICT facilities.

For data matching work, such as the National Fraud Initiative, the Auditor General's Code of Data Matching Practice [PDF 608KB opens in new window] applies.

For further information on the National Fraud Initiative and data matching visit our National Fraud Initiative section

5.5 Charging regimes and policies

We charge for the work of the Auditor General in accordance with statute. Read our guide to Welsh public audit legislation [opens in new window].

Our fee scheme sets out the basis on which we charge fees to the public bodies we audit.

The charges applicable to information available under the publication scheme are set out at the beginning of this guide. 

Charges for specific requests for information may apply, read our Information Policy for further details.

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6. Lists and registers

6.1 Asset register

Information about fixed assets is given in the Auditor General's annual report and accounts which you can find on our publications pages. We suggest choosing “Audit Wales” ad Topic in the search form.

6.2 Disclosure log

Our disclosure log sets out responses we have given to FOI requests.

6.3 Hospitality given and received by senior staff

We publish details of hospitality given and received by the Board and directors. You can access this information in our hospitality and expenses section.

6.4 Register of interests

We publish the registers of interests for the Board and directors on their biography pages in our Who’s who section.

6.5 CCTV

We use a closed-circuit television (CCTV) system for security at our premises with cameras covering public areas including the car park, entrance and exit points and reception.

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7. The services we offer

7.1 Services for public authorities

The Auditor General provides audit services on a statutory basis to public authorities, and has inspection powers A Guide to Welsh Public Audit Legislation [opens in new window].

For access to all of our published reports visit the Publications section.

7.2 Services for other organisations

Under section 19 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013, the WAO may make arrangements for administrative, professional and technical services to be provided to a ‘relevant authority’ as defined in section 19(9) of 2013 Act.

The Good Practice Exchange is a resource to help organisations improve their services. 

7.3 Services for members of the public

The Auditor General publishes his reports for the benefit of the public, as well as elected representatives and public service managers.

7.4 Services for which the body is entitled to recover a fee together with those fees

We charge for audit, grant certification and agreement work undertaken by the Auditor General in accordance with statute. Further information is set out in our guide to Welsh public audit legislation [opens in new window].

Our fee scheme sets out the basis on which we charge fees to the public bodies we audit.

7.5 Media releases

For access to an archive of our press releases, visit our dedicated news section. Any press-related queries should be emailed to

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